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Friday, December 31, 2004

Some opinions on Tsunami

The death toll at Southeast Asia caused by the deadly tsunami are still soaring. I saw some posts regarding to the tragedy while I was navigating yahoo news. I will post more as I see them. They don't reflect my opinion, it's a record of people (minority) who reacted to this disaster.


Let's study last 3 big "disasters"
by: tom_world1 (69/M/US CENTRAL COMMAND) 12/31/04 05:06 am
Msg: 21419 of 22223

1) French heat wave kills about 20,000.

2) Iran earthquake kills about 60,000.

3) Tsunami kills about 120,000.

Looks to me like God has been busy punishing the biggest anti-American crapheads on the planet.


Death tolls are fake
by: tom_world1 (69/M/US CENTRAL COMMAND) 12/31/04 02:13 am
Msg: 21006 of 22244

The beggars have seen the flash of a dollar and now all of a sudden are raising their death tolls to grab the larger slice of the hysterical idiot donor pie.


by: hookmans (99/Niger) 12/31/04 02:38 am
Msg: 21075 of 22304

We Americans believe in having fun. A Party for Bush, death to muslims and a few scraps to the starving. Makes sense to me. Hell most will die anyway. why waist good devalued greenbacks on dying people.

Posted as a reply to: Msg 21067 by tell_no_lies05


60,000 Muslims dead. I'm glad
by: collidaescope (24/M/Beverly Hills, CA) 12/30/04 12:08 am
Msg: 3389 of 22658
1 recommendation

I'm so happy that the tsunami killed at least 50,000 Muslims in Indonesia alone.

A lot of white hats in the water. HA HA HA

Indonesia is 88% Muslims:

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The missing piece via a puzzle

There are numerous ways to explore one’s ability, such as face-to-face interviews, numeracy/verbal tests, and add/minus/multiply/divide specific ones (sequences) -- are good at testing one’s technical perspective. Sadly, I admit that puzzle-based interview questions have little sense (if at all) related to the job that I am applying. Puzzle is an excellent way to train your brain, imagination, and mental vitality because it usually doesn’t have an obvious solution, and everybody’s approaches to them are different. Have you ever had a situation when you couldn’t solve a particular one whatever you tried, while everyone else in the office topples it? Imagine you’ve offered 10 of them in a classroom, 3 minutes each, you must be saying that 3 minutes could be rather short. But just before you start, think about where did they come from, books, internet or from forwarded emails? You may have answers to some of them already! Puzzles are often hard to construct and most of them are replicas from various sources thus give an unfair playing field to candidates. Right after the assessment you’ll hear about how many of them have already been seen by people who sit next to you.

These two were both appeared in my assessment. I found them on internet.

3 Hats

There are 3 black hats and 2 white hats in a box. Three men (we will call them A, B, & C) each reach into the box and place one of the hats on his own head. They cannot see what color hat they have chosen. The men are situated in a way that A can see the hats on B & C's heads, B can only see the hat on C's head and C cannot see any hats. When A is asked if he knows the color of the hat he is wearing, he says no. When B is asked if he knows the color of the hat he is wearing he says no. When C is asked if he knows the color of the hat he is wearing he says yes and he is correct. What color hat and how can this be?


The track I will be going to is one mile long. Before they actually race, the riders get to take some practice laps to get the bikes tuned up. A rider goes out and runs one practice lap at 60 miles per hour. Then he takes the bike into the pits, makes some adjustments, and goes back out and runs another lap, this time at 90 miles per hour.
What is the average speed of the motorcycle for the two laps together?

Answer: Available on internet.

Monday, December 20, 2004

The ABCs of Google Suggest

A is for Amazon
B is for Best Buy
C is for CNN
D is for Dictionary
E is for Ebay
F is for Firefox
G is for Games
H is for Hotmail
I is for Ikea
J is for Jokes
K is for Kazaa
L is for Lyrics
M is for Mapquest
N is for News
O is for Online dictionary
P is for Paris Hilton (wtf?!)
Q is for Quotes
R is for Recipes
S is for Spybot
T is for Tara Reid
U is for Ups
V is for Verizon
W is for Weather
X is for Xbox
Y is for Yahoo
Z is for Zip Codes

Friday, December 03, 2004

What a foolish comment

I have just read reports about the join bid of MTR Hong Kong and GNER for serving all Kent and Southeast London. It’s a 71%(GNER)/29%(MTR) investment, both companies could benefit from the expertise of their partner. MTR brings punctuality of 99% while GNER has been here for a while, and no doubt this is certainly good news for people at Kent. However, Roger Ford, who is a technical editor of Modern Railways magazine, when asked the implication of such foreign participation by Guardian, he said:

Roger Ford, technical editor of Modern Railways magazine, said it was foolish to expect overseas operators to work magic: "MTR is a very good operation in Hong Kong. But they have a brand new system which was built by the Brits. They have brand new trains and a brand new track which has been steadily upgraded and improved. Compare that with Kent and what do they know?"

I think he has missed something. First of all, nobody expects magic here, according to Guardian, MTR has 80km of railway track and carries 2.24 million passengers a day which is 10% of Kent’s track length but 5 times the passengers number. There are simply too many problems causing the delays, such as track conditions and carriage age. Refurbishment of the whole network is costly and must be done in years, I think 10 years would be a reasonable figure.

Second, MTR started running its service since 1979, about 25 years of age. Do you think they stopped since then? Improvement was done from time to time, day in day out. If you consider the world 25 years ago, when people were not depending on transport the way like now, they improved a “hell” lot. The brand new system didn’t help them, the maintenance and improvement did.

Finally, vandalism has always been a problem within Britain, they cost millions to get rid of them. Phil Gaffney, a former British Rail engineer and MTR’s director of operations, could only recall 3-4 incidents of vandalism in 25 years. Some stupid people here in Britain pointed out MTR couldn’t cope with the culture difference, have you forgotten it’s a join bid? Where is GNER? They will deal with it, and please blame the English for vandalism, not a rail operator.

Guardian Report
Times Report